Clean Beauty Reset
3 min read
New Survey: Road to entrepreneurial success may not be what you expect
If you've dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur, you may think success is a straight road from one success to another until you've "made it."
We are a global women's networking platform bringing together a diverse range of lifestyles, backgrounds & beliefs all in one place, with one goal - to empower & support women in achieving their goals from the inside out.
We interact with experts & stakeholders from around the world to share valuable knowledge & experience to continuously discover & share better ways, better ideas, & better perspectives.
We want to do our part in building healthy communities with a healthy growth mindset. We want to discuss hot topics, trends, lifestyle, mindfulness, work & personal life, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, overcoming obstacles, social media, technology, & the rapidly changing world we live in - everything that impacts a healthy mind, body & soul.
We are a community dedicated to building & encouraging healthy personal relationships with our bodies. A healthy perspective does matter - not only as individuals, but because of the direct impact we have on those around us. We want to talk about everything from body image, beauty routines, fitness, fashion & more - & most importantly, we want to keep it real.