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Am I A Good Candidate For Plastic Surgery?

We all know that when personally considering plastic surgery the whole process can be daunting, both mentally and physically. Before taking the leap you need to ensure you're making a well-informed decision considering all factors. Quite often the current state of your physical health and environment is overlooked.

Lifestyle factors play a dominant role in plastic surgery candidates. Generally speaking, if you are healthy, informed, have reasonable expectations, and understand all the risk factors involved, you are more than likely a good candidate (unfortunately sometimes when one makes the decision to have breast implant removal surgery, if you are experiencing any Breast Implant Illness symptoms, you may not be as healthy as you would like prior to your explant surgery).

If you are considering any type of plastic surgery, you will need to discuss with your medical professional and your plastic surgeon certain factors and limitations such as the below (but not limited to):

  • smoking habits and exposure to secondhand smoke (smoking has an impact on surgery and most plastic surgeons will recommend not smoking for at least 4 weeks before and after surgery)

  • alcohol consumption (alcohol has an impact on surgery and most plastic surgeons will recommend not drinking for at least 1 week before and after surgery)

  • sun exposure (condition of your skin prior to surgery and no direct sun on scars for 1-year post-surgery)

  • stress level and coping mechanisms

  • depression

  • are you emotionally stable?

  • current weight and history of weight fluctuations

  • nutrition, vitamin supplements, and herbal remedies (many remedies such as green tea, vitamin E, anti-inflammatories, blood thinners, Ativan or sedative drugs, Advil, Ibuprofen, Aspirin and/or acetylsalicylic acid-based products, etc. should also be discontinued pre &/or post-surgery)

  • medications including birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy (most should be discontinued pre & post-surgery)

  • exercise frequency and type (aerobic/non-aerobic)

  • sleep patterns

  • health concerns or conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, allergies, autoimmune diseases, elevated cholesterol, etc. that could pose a higher risk for complications

  • age (too young, too old)

  • are you planning on having children (including understanding the impact of all pre & post-pregnancy and breastfeeding factors)?

  • do you have the proper support network of family and friends?

  • can you afford this surgery and future surgery should you require possibly additional surgeries? Remember, if you elect for breast implant surgery, at some point you will need breast implant removal surgery!

  • can you afford both pre & post-surgery-related costs such as factoring in time off work, clothing purchases due to type of surgery, extra help around your house ie. cleaning, daycare, and more?

Remember, making the decision to undergo plastic surgery is not as simple as checking a few boxes. The above list is not inclusive. Do your homework. Ask your medical professional and your plastic surgeon.

All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.


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