By Tamara Fyke Educator and social entrepreneur with a passion for kids, families, and urban communities. She is the creator and author of Love In A Big World. Follow her on Twitter.
"You do have a future. You do have a hope. And that starts with the choices that you make in life." - Tamara Fyke
Meet Tamara and find out about the history of Love In A Big World and her insight on choices, hope, power and a new way of looking at things in life. We love Tamara's passion and vision for truly making the world a better place. Be sure to visit her site and find out how you can help.
Tamara Fyke is an educator and social entrepreneur with a passion for kids, families, and urban communities. She is the creator and author of Love In A Big World, which provides mental health, SEL, and wellness curriculum and content. During quarantine, Tamara created MusiCity Kids, an online educational show for kids ages 6-12 that addresses health, movement, character development, STEAM, and more. Tamara is editor of Building People: Social & Emotional Learning for Kids, Schools & Communities, a book that brings 12 wide-ranging perspectives on SEL to educators, parents, and leaders.
#loveinabigworld #tamarafyke #entrepreneur #health #wellness #family #education #choices #connect #love
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