By Aleksandra Popovic Real Estate Sales Representative & Real Estate Investor. Passionate about books, fashion & travel. You can follow Aleksandra on Instagram @realhomesgta

Long lashes have always been desirable. Unfortunately, not everyone has been blessed with them. The beauty industry has profited from countless fake lashes and mascaras promising long thick eyelashes. Imagine not having to use these products and yet being able to achieve a similar look.
There are many serums that can be purchased but there are also ways to stimulate your eyelash growth naturally.
Using shea butter, olive oil, vitamin E, coconut oil, castor oil, green tea along with many others can stimulate hair growth and moisturize the lashes. It is important to stay consistent. Unfortunately, it does not happen overnight, and patience is the virtue. Before you begin make sure to wash your hands properly.
Try this recipe and stay consistent by treating your lashes daily:
1/3 castor oil
2/3 scrape aloe vera gel from a fresh plant
Liquid from 2 vitamin E capsules
Mix all the ingredients together in a tiny dish, or if you are planning to store the solution, store in an airtight dropper bottle. Place a small amount on a Q-tip, and eyelash wand, or you can even use your finger and gently massage into your lashes/lash line. Tip: apply at night before you go to bed and wash off in the morning.
#aleksandrapopovic #eyelashes #eyelashgrowth #cleanbeauty #cleanbeautyforum #cleanbeautyblogger #naturaleyelashes
All Clean Beauty Forum posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.