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What Goes On Your Body Goes In Your Body?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel good with a touch of makeup, perfumes, lipsticks, eyeliners and foundations, but still, you need to be careful of what the branded cosmetic companies are trying to smear on your face.

If you look into this industry thoroughly, it runs on “innocent until proven guilty” access to its ingredients. If the chemicals used in beauty products are proven not to cause harm to human health, they are classified as “generally recognized as safe”. We are focusing throughout this article on how we can identify the toxic ingredients commonly found in cosmetics and skincare. To do that first, take a thorough read of the ingredient lists carefully on products that you are purchasing. This list will help you to avoid chemicals that are unhealthy and considered toxic.


Canada alone has found over 650 cosmetic products contaminated with lead, including foundation, whitening toothpaste, nail polish, sunscreens, and lipsticks to name a few. Studies indicate these toxins are linked in learning, cognitive abilities, behavioral and language problems as well as links with lethargy, anxiety, lowered fertility in men and women and interrupted puberty onset in girls.


DEA (diethanolamine) and its associated compounds are used to make cosmetics sudsy or creamy. It also can adjust the pH, canceling out the acidity of other ingredients, so that the cosmetic authority can show their creams are in the pH range that is suitable for your skin, at the same time causing irreversible damage to your body. Pay close attention while choosing your moisturizers and sunscreens, and also remember that soaps, cleansers, and shampoos can contain other types of DEA called Cocamide and Lauramide DEA. DEA and its compounds can affect your skin and eye irritation both in mild and moderate amounts. The European Union has branded DEA as unhealthy on the basis of the danger of severe damage to health from extended usage.

Butylated Substances

BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) are very jointly related synthetic antioxidants that are mainly used as preservatives in moisturizers and lipsticks. BHT and BHA can cause skin allergic reactions and what is worse about it is that it can cause human carcinogens or simply cancers and alter our body’s normal hormone functions, mostly the functions of estrogen and thus would result in adverse reproductive effects, according to the latest research by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Coal Tar Dyes

These are extensively used coloring agent in cosmetics, generally determined by a 5 digit Color Index (C.I.) number. If you are living in North America the color name may be listed as, “FD&C” or “D&C” followed by a color name plus number. If you ever have seen these letters in your hair dye pack, it’s time to throw it away. Although several coal tar dyes are banned in Canada, USA, and other European countries, dozens of coal tar-derived colors are still broadly used in many other countries.


These are used as the most prevalently used preservative as well as a fragrance ingredient in cosmetics. Normally fragrance recipes become trade secrets; that in the hand of consumers, this seems like a risk, but manufacturers turn it to their boon that they need not include fragrance chemicals in the list of ingredients. Although it is at very low levels, 75 to 90 percent of cosmetics circulate in beauty shops contain parabens.

Parabens can penetrate your skin interfere with ease and alter the hormone function like Coal Tar dyes. These can mimic estrogen, the primary female sex hormone causing adverse defects and additionally, it can cause human breast cancers.

The bottom line, what we need to consider here is the awareness. Whenever you go shopping to choose your lipstick, your make up creams and powders just be concerned with what you buy; it’s not the shape of the bottle with a glittering flash of light that can decide that this product is good for your health, it’s just the ingredients and their quality. At Pretty in Pink we stand by our products. So if you are looking for make-up that doesn’t have any of these toxic ingredients …. Check out the products we carry from Canadian company Fitglow Beauty, where you will NEVER see any of these ingredients in any of their products.

All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any product/service.


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